Deacon Jeff and his guest Sr. Francine discuss the Catholic Churches teaching on contraception.
Apostolic Succession
Deacon Jeff and his guest Bishop J. Terry Steib of the Diocese of Memphis, Tennessee take on the topic of Apostolic Succession and why it is so important to the Catholic Faith.
Deacon Jeff and his guests Judge John and Gigi McCarroll discuss the process of converting to the Catholic Faith from the Episcopal Church.
Faith and Works
Deacon Jeff and guest, Fr. John McArthur, offer a general overview on the intertwing roles that Faith and Works play in our Salvation.
Scripture and Tradition
Deacon Jeff and guest, Fr. Victor Ciaramitaro, discuss the Catholic understanding of Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
The Nature of the Church
Deacon Jeff and guest, Fr. Bruce Nieli, discuss the very nature of church and the four “marks” associated with the Church.
The Real Presence and John 6
Deacon Jeff and guest, Fr. Ben Bradshaw, discuss the Church’s teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.