Living Before Dying

Deacon Jeff and guest Deacon Jack Conrad discuss his new book, “Living Before Dying.” In this timely discussion about dealing with the process of you or a loved one dying, the deacons relate many interesting spiritual insights which may help some turn a tragedy into a life blessing – all framed around the beauty of the hospice experience.

Statues And Graven Images

Deacon Jeff and guest “Above Average Catholic,” friend and layperson Bill Drennan discuss the Catholic understanding of statues, paintings, stained glass and other sacred images and their use in worship and benefit to the people of God.


Deacon Jeff and guest “Above Average Catholic”, friend and layperson Bill Drennan discuss the Catholic teaching about Purgatory in Sacred Tradition, along with its Scriptural and Patristic origins.

The Order of Malta

Deacon Jeff and his guests Noreen Falcone and Robert Hutton of the Order of Malta discuss what the Church asks of every layperson..that they actively participate in the saving work of Christ. They discuss the Order of Malta, a Lay Apostolate of the Church, and its role in bringing hope and healing to the sick and the suffering, as well as defending the Catholic Faith.