Deacon Jeff talks with Fr. John Hourican about the Catholic teaching regarding the Divinity of Christ Jesus and the necessity of understanding that He is God Incarnate.
Assurance Of Salvation?
Deacon Jeff talks with Bob Nicholas about his journey from “non-religious” to Catholic, with a primary focus on the Protestant and Catholic views of the assurance of Salvation.
That Our Joy May Be Complete
Deacon Jeff talks with Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD, Bishop of Memphis in Tennessee, about his new Pastoral Letter. Living Our Catholicism: That Our Joy May Be Complete helps us realize how we can achieve Christian joy in a troubled world by following your Catholic calling to serve others while living in the good graces of the Church.
Early Church Fathers
Deacon Jeff talks with co-host Tom Dorian about what the Catholic Church teaches about the Fathers of the Early Church, those men whose writings have been a genuine reflection of the Truths of the Catholic Faith for the first 1000 years of Christianity.
The Reformation
Deacon Jeff talks with The Catholic Cafe’s Head Chef, Fr. Ben Bradshaw, about the Catholic Church’s understanding of the Reformation, as well as her success in reform as a result of the Counter-Reformation to follow.
Fired Up Catholics
Deacon Jeff talks to former Southern Baptist Pastor Andy McNutt about why we don’t always see Catholics fired up about their faith…and what we can do about it.
A New Catholic Life
Deacon Jeff and convert Bruce Summers discuss Bruce’s journey to the Catholic Faith from the Southern Baptist tradition.
Conversion of a Baptist Preacher
Deacon Jeff talks to former Southern Baptist Pastor Andy McNutt about why he chose to convert to the Catholic Faith.
The Rosary
Deacon Jeff and Fr. Jim Blount, a priest of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity from Belize in Central America take on the topic of the Rosary and it’s proper place in Catholic devotion.
Church Authority
Deacon Jeff and noted lawyer Robert Hutton discuss the truth behind the authority of the Church. What must every Catholic believe if they want to call themselves Catholic? What is a Catholic OBLIGATED to accept? And where does opinion come in? And what about binding authority? And, how do you tell the difference? Stay tuned, and we’ll try and clear it all up!