Blessed To Be A Deacon

So many folks see the role of the deacon as sort of a glorified altar server, or just the guy that runs the parish food pantry. Deacon Jeff and his wife, Bess, talk about all of the blessings unique to the permanent deacon that highlight his proper and important place in the salvific plan of God.

An Unexpected Journey

We do not always know what God has planned for us. Meet Char Claxton who grew up in a small rural town in Georgia and went on to become a Magistrate Judge for the US District Court in Tennessee. She always loved Jesus, but never dreamed that God might be calling her to become Catholic.

American Solidarity

This is the second of a two part interview with Peter Sonski, American Solidarity Party candidate for President of the United States. In this episode we discuss tenets of Catholic Social Teaching as the guiding principals of the American Solidarity Party.

Keep The Fires Burning

This is the sixteenth and LAST in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this final episode, we discuss ways to enrich, enliven, and sustain your One Flesh relationship and to keep the fires burning.

Marriage And Money

This is the fifteenth in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we offer some incite in the sometimes challenging aspect of finances and the One Flesh relationship.

Parenting Wisdom

This is the fourteenth in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we offer some tried and true parenting wisdom especially for new parents.

Natural Fruit Of Marriage

This is the thirteenth in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we discuss the openness to life and the blessing of children in the One Flesh relationship.

Conflict Resolution

This is the twelfth in a series of episodes delving into Holy Matrimony in an effort to rekindle an appreciation of this sacred sacrament of the Church that has fallen out of favor in our modern and worldly culture. In this episode, we discuss the ways in which to manage conflict in the married relationship.