In our broken and fallen world, we know that the traditional structure of the family struggles for existence. All we have to do is turn to a family God gave us 2000 years ago, the Holy Family, to be our model and inspiration for today.
The Innocence Of God
You might wonder why God chose to come to us as a little, innocent baby when he could have just as easily come to us fully grown. We can perceive some significance to the fact that Jesus was revealed to us first as a baby as we continue to ponder the great mysteries of Christmas and the Incarnation.
Finding God Through Simplicity
Although the Catholic teaching on the Transcendentals, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Unity, does not officially include Simplicity, finding God in this ever increasingly secular world can be aided if we simplify our lives and humble ourselves.
Finding God Through Unity
In a world that has become more and more atheistic, agnostic, and secular, the awareness of God should be at the forefront of all evangelistic and missionary efforts. In this fourth episode of a 4 part series on the Catholic teaching of the Transcendentals, we discuss finding God through unity.
Finding God Through Truth
In a world that has become more and more atheistic, agnostic, and secular, the awareness of God should be at the forefront of all evangelistic and missionary efforts. In this third episode of a 4 part series on the Catholic teaching of the Transcendentals, we discuss finding God through truth.
Finding God Through Goodness
In a world that has become more and more atheistic, agnostic, and secular, the awareness of God should be at the forefront of all evangelistic and missionary efforts. In this second episode of a 4 part series on the Catholic teaching of the Transcendentals, we discuss finding God through goodness.
Finding God Through Beauty
In a world that has become more and more atheistic, agnostic, and secular, the awareness of God should be at the forefront of all evangelistic and missionary efforts. In this first episode of a 4 part series on the Catholic teaching of the Transcendentals, we discuss finding God through beauty.
Christ The King
As the Liturgical Year of the Church comes to a close on the Solemnity of Christ the King, we must prepare ourselves for the Coming of our Lord at Christmas by celebrating the preparatory season of Advent. We do this best if see in Christ the King the reason for the season of Advent. In other words, we need to celebrate the advent of Advent.
The Great Divide
After a contentious election cycle and along with the ongoing division found in our country, and considering the holidays are right around the corner, let us not run away from our families, but seek shelter and healing within them…even when we do not agree politically, morally, and spiritually.
Revisiting The Indulgence
Too many Catholics avoid utilizing the spiritual benefits of indulgences either because they do not fully understand them, think they are no longer a teaching of the Church, or that they overcomplicate our faith lives. Let us endeavor to change this and gain access to a veritable well of grace.