Your host: Deacon Jeff Drzycimski.
Deacon Jeff Drzycimski (driz-ZIM-skee) and his wife Bess have been happily married for 30 years. They are the proud parents of nine children, all of whom are homeschooled.
Deacon Jeff was born and raised a Catholic, but strayed from the church as a young adult. After a “born-again” encounter with Jesus, he started searching for the one true church that Jesus Himself had founded in the Bible. He began with the writings of the early Christians. It didn’t take long before he discovered that the church he had left behind — the Roman Catholic Church, the same church in which he was baptized, received first Eucharist, and Confirmed — was that very church.
Deacon Jeff returned to the Faith with a newfound love of Christ and His Church, and an enthusiasm for the truth. He developed a great passion for defense-of-the-faith issues and apologetics. After attending a Cursillo three-day weekend, he recommitted himself — and his “fourth day” — to finding God’s will for his life. This eventually led to his ordination as a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee in April of 2008.
Currently the good deacon serves as campus minister for St. Benedict at Auburndale High School. He was previously director of religious education at St. Louis Catholic Church in Memphis, Tennessee, and still leads RCIA classes there. He has been a regular keynote speaker at the city’s weekly St. Leo’s Lunch, and is happy to travel and speak to audiences anywhere. (If you need a speaker, please send Deacon Jeff an email, and visit DeaconJeff.com for more info.)
Professionally, Deacon Jeff has been a video producer for more than 30 years, specializing in marketing and training presentations for companies like FedEx, International Paper, and ServiceMaster.
Deacon Jeff, Bess, and their children are members of St. Louis Catholic Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
Deacon Jeff is happy to come speak to your group.
Have Gospel, will travel. If you need an engaging, tall, and rather handsome speaker to educate or inspire an audience, please contact Deacon Jeff. Just send an email, and visit DeaconJeff.com for more info.

Your co-host: Mr. Tom Dorian.
Tom is a close personal friend of Deacon Jeff. The two forged a friendship after attending the Cursillo three-day weekend. Part of the Cursillo experience is to move into your “fourth day” with a newly charged spiritual passion. This is lived out faithfully partially due to the accountability and faith-sharing that comes from Cursillo group reunions. Tom, Deacon Jeff, and several others have been grouping for nearly 20 years.
Tom jumped at the chance to become co-host of the show, because he knew it would be yet another opportunity to learn and grow in his faith.
Tom owns an insurance business and is very active in his local parish, St. Louis Catholic Church in Memphis, Tennessee. He serves on a variety of boards associated with the church in Memphis, like Blue Streak Scholarship Fund (raising scholarship money for the children of the Jubilee Schools) and the West Tennessee Catholic Schools Advisory Board.
Tom is married to his wife, Cindy, and has five children.

Your historian: Bess Drzycimski.
Bess was born the eighth of fifteen children. The daughter of an Air Force pilot, her family traveled from base to base throughout the country.
While in college in Memphis, Tennessee, she met and married the man who would become (only by the grace of God) Deacon Jeff Drzycimski.
Bess has always had a strong, unwavering Catholic faith. In fact, early in their marriage, Bess was the spiritual “rock” in their relationship. She waited patiently (and prayerfully) as her husband slowly discovered the obvious — that God had incredible plans for the Drzycimski family.
She supported him fully during his discernment of God’s call to Holy Orders, and attended every class at his side during his formation as a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee.
When not delivering kids to various sporting and scouting events, or taking them to daily Mass or on educational outings to the museum or the zoo, Bess spends much of her day teaching in the home classroom, playing with children, and keeping a wonderful, nurturing, Christ-centered home.
The family happily resides in Memphis, Tennessee.

Your announcer: Deacon Chip Jones.
Deacon Chip Jones serves as a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee. Ordained in 2000, Deacon Chip serves the people of God and the Bishop of Memphis at St. Ann Catholic Church in Bartlett, Tennessee.
Deacon Chip was born in December of 1960 in Atlanta, Georgia. A life-long Catholic, Deacon Chip attended St. Paul of the Cross Elementary School and Daniel M. Therrell High School in Atlanta, and graduated from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, in 1982.
Deacon Chip served on active duty in the U.S. Army for over 10 years, before leaving the service and moving to Bartlett. Deacon Chip and his family (wife, Ann Marie, and four grown daughters) have been residents of Bartlett, and members of St. Ann Church, for 20 years.