Category «Who is God? One Nature, Three Persons (The Blessed Trinity)»

The Holy Ghost

Do you ever pray to the Holy Spirit? We certainly have no problem asking God the Father or God the Son for divine assistance…but, God the Holy Spirit? Most people can use the reassurance of the accompaniment of the Holy Ghost in their attempts to carry out the New Evangelization. Join Deacon Jeff and “sit-in sidekick” Bobby John as they discuss the Person of the Holy Spirit, his attributes and how they enhance and empower evangelization.

Who Is Jesus?

Sometimes we run into folks who have trouble relating to Jesus in his divinity, and sometimes we run into folks who have trouble relating to Jesus in his humanity. The true and right relationship with the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity requires us to relate to both Jesus’ humanity and divinity, because they cannot be separated. Join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth as Deacon Jeff and Tom tackle the great mystery of the Christ as fully God and fully man.

Come Holy Spirit

How much do we really know about living a Sprit-filled life? Let’s start by checking with Sacred Scripture! There are many wonderful insights into life’s blessings when filled with the third Divine Person of the Blessed Trinity found in the Bible. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug as they discuss just seven of the many “promises” that we can expect to receive when we invoke and welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives.

Living The Trinity

Are you a Trinitarian? Do you “live the Trinity?” Many people have a good relationship to one of the divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity, but sometimes we find it hard to live life in a relationship with all Three. Join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth as Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug speak of inviting fully into our lives the Triune God…Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Priest Prophet King

Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Is he your Brother, Friend or your Savior? Is it enough just to know Him? As Catholics, we can learn some things from our Protestant friends about having a friend in Jesus…but we can also add so much more to the conversation! Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they welcome Father Robert Barron to the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss the fullness of the Catholic understanding of Jesus Christ as Priest, Prophet and King.