The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe and the secular Thanksgiving holiday intersect in our country and our lives at an opportune time for much needed healing.
Category «Who is God? One Nature, Three Persons (The Blessed Trinity)»
The Mystery Of The Trinity
To better understand and more fully engage in the greatest of Christian mysteries, the Most Holy Trinity, one needs first to examine and contemplate the whole concept of MYSTERY amd try and discover why God would reveal Himself to us in this way.
The Spirit Of Pentecost
There is a very good reason why the Church celebrates Pentecost every year. We must be reminded of, and engage more fully into, the gifts that the Holy Spirit affords us.
The Advocate
Before he ascends to the Father, Jesus promises his Apostles that he will send them the Advocate who will lead them, more specifically, the Church, into all truth. That is why the Holy Spirit is so important to our Catholic Church and to the world.
Transfiguration: Moments Of Light
In each of our lives, God sends a light into our darkness, if only we have eyes of faith to see. Join us to find out why the story of the Transfiguration is still so relevant to us even today.
King Of The Universe: Christ The King
In the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, the Church proclaims boldly that Jesus is our King. The only problem is, many of us have a little trouble recognizing Jesus as King when we create so many other kings in our lives.
Master Of The Interior Life
Dominican Friar Yves Congar, OP is well known for his writings and influence in the spirituality of the Catholic Church. Join Deacon Jeff as he welcomes Dr. Mark Ginter, Catholic theological scholar, writer and translator, to discuss his new collection of the writings of Congar on the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Ghost
Do you ever pray to the Holy Spirit? We certainly have no problem asking God the Father or God the Son for divine assistance…but, God the Holy Spirit? Most people can use the reassurance of the accompaniment of the Holy Ghost in their attempts to carry out the New Evangelization. Join Deacon Jeff and “sit-in sidekick” Bobby John as they discuss the Person of the Holy Spirit, his attributes and how they enhance and empower evangelization.
Who Is Jesus?
Sometimes we run into folks who have trouble relating to Jesus in his divinity, and sometimes we run into folks who have trouble relating to Jesus in his humanity. The true and right relationship with the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity requires us to relate to both Jesus’ humanity and divinity, because they cannot be separated. Join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth as Deacon Jeff and Tom tackle the great mystery of the Christ as fully God and fully man.
Come Holy Spirit
How much do we really know about living a Sprit-filled life? Let’s start by checking with Sacred Scripture! There are many wonderful insights into life’s blessings when filled with the third Divine Person of the Blessed Trinity found in the Bible. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug as they discuss just seven of the many “promises” that we can expect to receive when we invoke and welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives.