Category «The Church (Authority, Structure & History)»

The Siege Of Malta

Join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth of the FRENCH Catholic Cafe as we welcome once again Knight of Malta and Professor of History, Dane Munro of Malta. Dane joins us to enlighten us about the great Siege of Malta, one of the all-time greatest military victories of Christianity.

The Crusades

We’ve heard a lot about the Crusades over the years. Unfortunately, most of what we’ve heard…and what many of us have come to believe…has been marred by half-truths, politics and even a re-writing history. So what were the Crusades REALLY about? What really happened and why? Join us in the FRENCH Catholic Cafe as Deacon Jeff and Robert welcome Knight of Malta and Professor of History Dane Munro from the Republic of Malta to shed some light on the Crusades.

Authority Today

Many people struggle with authority in their lives…political, workplace, familial and even religious authority. In a culture that promotes the total empowerment of self, it’s getting harder and harder to recognize the authority of the Church as a natural extension of Christ’s authority. Join Deacon Jeff and Doug Grokulsky as they discuss the challenging and timely topic of authority today.

St. Philip Neri’s Oratory

So…do you know what an Oratory is? Do you know why St. Philip Neri started them way back in the 1500’s? Well, if you want to know (and believe me…it’s quite fascinating!) you need to tune into the final pilgrimage episode of The FRENCH Catholic Cafe. Join Deacon Jeff and Fra Tom Mulligan as they welcome their guest, Fr. Richard Mullins, Oratorian in Formation for the Oratorian Community of St. Philip Neri in Washington, DC. Fr. Mullins tells us all about Oratories, and their fun-loving founder and saint, Philip Neri.

The Church Visible

Is the Church an “invisible kingdom” here on earth? Can we actually see the Church? Or, is it merely a loose association of generally like-minded believers gathered in the Spirit? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss the visible nature of the Church – its structure, organization and hierarchy – as referenced in Sacred Scripture as well as by the Early Church Fathers.

Which Church?

Does God really care which Church you attend? Does it really matter which “flavor” of spirituality you practice? Isn’t it all just about journeying toward God? These are tough questions to answer sometimes…especially when friends, co-workers and even family stray from the faith tradition they (and you) were raised. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss whether or not Jesus founded one Church, whether or not that Church still exists, and, most importantly, whether or not God wants you in it.

Many Churches?

We’ve all had the experience of driving down Main Street in Anytown, USA and seeing church after church of many different types and denominations. Are they ultimately all about the same? Were they all founded or started about the same time? Are they all just different “flavors” of spiritual ice cream as it were? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss the Catholic Church’s approach and reasoned response to the historic splintering of Christianity.

Listing The Apostles

We spend a lot of time making lists and ranking things so we can always know who the best and worst performers are, or what our best and worst choices are. This goes for colleges, businesses, doctors, pro athletes and even movies. You name it, we list it. Did you realize that the Bible does the same? Join Deacon Jeff and his sidekick Tom as they closely examine a passage from the Luke’s Gospel where the 12 Apostles are named. You may be surprised what you find out!

Which Church?

Join Deacon Jeff in the “luxurious corner booth” as he and sidekick Tom Dorian cover the ways in which one might discern which of all the churches in the world is the one, true Church founded by Jesus. They focus their discussion on the what the 2nd, 3rd and 4th century Church Fathers had to say about this very subject in their many writings.