Category «The Church (Authority, Structure & History)»

Roaming Catholics

Has your child left the Church? Your brother or sister? Has anyone you care about stopped going to Mass? We all have folks we love (especially kids) who have wandered away. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they present a Top Ten list of things to do (and NOT to do) when trying to get them back in Church.

Canon Law

Did you know the Catholic Church has it’s very own legal system? Where did it come from and what is it’s purpose? Join Deacon Jeff in the Luxurious Corner Booth of the FRENCH Catholic Cafe as he welcomes Fr. Luke Millette, Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, to discuss all the ins and outs of Canon Law.

Church Rules

Many non-Catholics (as well as many Catholics) ask the question, “Why does the Church have sooooo many rules?” Don’t do this! You can’t have that! Refrain from the other thing! There do seem to be a lot of rules. Didn’t Jesus come to liberate and free us from bondage and oppression? Why so many rules! Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner booth as they tackle the tough topic of rules, laws, prohibitions and mandates in the life of the Church.

Me And Jesus And Church

Have your kids told you they no longer want to attend Mass because they’re “spiritual but not religious?” We all know this thought process is becoming very popular among our young folks. Even life-long Catholics sometimes have troubles answering the questions “Does Jesus really car if I go to church?”. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in thew Luxurious Corner Booth as they focus their conversation on me and Jesus…and the Church.

The Advent Of A New Year

Have you made your New Year’s Resolution yet? Did you even know that Advent starts the new “liturgical” year for the Catholic Church? In fact many Catholics can be a tad confused as to WHY we even have a Liturgical Year in the Church to begin with. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss Advent and the meaning and purpose of the Church’s Liturgical year.

Habemus Episcopum

Have you ever attended an Episcopal Installation? It is truly a sight to behold. Join Deacon Jeff, his wife Bess and their youngest, Mary Regina, as they recount their recent participation in the Episcopal Installation of The Most Reverend Martin D. Holley as the Fifth Bishop of Memphis!

Hospitals And Hospitality

Did you ever wonder when and where the concept of the”hospital” was developed? You may be surprised to learn that our modern healthcare system owes a great debt of gratitude to the Knights of Malta who made it their charism to care for the sick who were making pilgrimage nearly a thousand years ago. Join Deacon Jeff and Fra Tom as they welcome Dane Munro, a Knight of Malta from the Island of Malta, and a visiting history professor from the University of Malta, to the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss the history of hospitals and the Order’s charism of hospitality.

Catholic Almanac

Why dig up the past? If it’s history…shouldn’t we forget about it and just move on? Actually, remembering and studying our past…especially when it comes to the Church…is the best way NOT to repeat our failures! Join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth as we welcome our guest, Matthew Bunson, the Faculty Chair of Catholic Distance University. Matthew, a teacher, speaker, apologist, correspondent, author and evangelist, helps us to see the importance of keeping one eye on the past and one eye on the future when it comes to our faith.