Everyone knows that it is our Christian duty to evangelize, but not everyone recognizes that evangelization must always be done in connection with and in the context of the Church, the boat of Peter.
Category «The Church (Authority, Structure & History)»
My Mass Experience
When we go to Mass, we naturally should seek benefits from that experience. But, perhaps we should ask ourselves if we are seeking entertainment and emotional gratification, or if we are seeking spiritual benefits and graces. This same question could be applied to our broader view of our Catholic faith.
Heartbeat Of The Church
Some folks may think that the various Feasts of the Church are somewhat randomly arranged throughout the liturgical year. But, they would be wrong. There is a beautiful thematic connectivity running through every feast the Church celebrates that affords even more meaning to them once you are aware.
The Catholic Church In A Pagan World
When you look at all the events that are occurring around us, you realize that our modern world has slipped into a pagan existence not unlike the times of early Christianity. But, we are not left without hope, The Church is truly a light in the darkness for our families.
Cleansing Your Temple
When we read about Jesus cleansing the Temple of moneychangers we can see how the Lord desires the Church to be first a house of worship. But we also read in Scripture that our bodies are temples as well, temples of the Holy Spirit. So we need to periodically cleanse our own temples to properly prepare ourselves for worship of the Lord.
The Chair Of Moses
When speaking to the Jews in the synagogue about the Pharisees and the Scribes, Jesus says that they have taken their seat on the Chair of Moses, which is a curious phrase that speaks of the authority the Pharisees have been given by God. One should wonder since Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses, then there must be a fulfillment of the Chair of Moses.
The Synod On Synodality
The time for the Synod On Synodality is here and all the delegates have arrived in Rome. This is an interesting time for the Church as the faithful have exhibited a mix feelings from confusion and worry to great joy and expectation for the outcome. Perhaps the best way forward for Christian disciples is faith and trust in the Holy Spirit.
Religious Assent
Some Catholic teachings can be challenge a worldly viewpoint, and can therefore be more difficult to follow. Sometimes, the Church requires our religious assent, even if we struggle to believe.
Universal Church
Sacred Scripture tells us that when Peter hauls in a large load of 153 fish, the net was unbroken. Theologians and scholars tell us this might be an image of a single, worldwide Church.
Synod On Synodality
Many are aware of the universal Synod On Synodality at the Vatican, but some folks may be unware that it is actually very important for the average parishioner to get involved at the diocesan level.