Category «Prayer, Devotions, Sacramentals, Images & Statues»

Repetitious Prayer

Have you ever been accused of not “truly” praying because you were simply repeating a memorized or written prayer? Have you ever found yourself “rattling off” a prayer without giving any sense of meaning to the words? Is repetitious prayer the culprit? Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug as they discuss why Catholics should not worry about whether or not a prayer is repetitious, but whether or not it is heartfelt.

The Stations Of The Cross In Lourdes

Have you ever wondered why Catholics love the Crucifix? What does suffering have to do with Salvation? Welcome to the Luxurious Corner Booth of the FRENCH Catholic Cafe! Join host Deacon Jeff Drzycimski as he and co-host Fra Tom Mulligan welcome their guest, Fr. Dave Caron, OP, President of the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis Missouri. Together, they discuss the beautiful devotional practice of “walking in the footsteps of Christ” by participating in the Stations of the Cross. Listen in and hear the Christian connection between a life of suffering and a life of joy!

Our Father

Join Deacon Jeff Drzycimski in the “luxurious corner booth” of The Catholic Cafe as he and wingman Tom Dorian examine each and every line of the Our Father prayer so that we can take a fresh spiritual approach to praying the prayer that Jesus Himself taught us.

Musical Prayer

Join Deacon Jeff as he talks with Brother Vittorio and Brother Tansi, both Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, about the power of music as a prayer to God and as a source of healing. Both Brother Vittorio and Brother Tansi perform in The Catholic Cafe.

Statues And Graven Images

Deacon Jeff and guest “Above Average Catholic,” friend and layperson Bill Drennan discuss the Catholic understanding of statues, paintings, stained glass and other sacred images and their use in worship and benefit to the people of God.