We begin a series of three shows on the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love. In this episode, we do a deep dive into the virtue of Faith.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
The True Gift Of Christmas
Merry Christmas from the Catholic Cafe. Please enjoy an encore presentation of The Catholic Cafe as you celebrate the holidays. May the true gift of Christmas be yours this season.
Tolkien On Monarchism And Christ The King
J.R.R. Tolkien was well known as a writer, but also as a Catholic who instilled his writings with images that revealed his faith life. In this third and final episode on Tolkien, we discuss his imagery of Monarchism and Christ the King in his trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien On Heroism
J.R.R. Tolkien was well known as a writer, but also as a Catholic who instilled his writings with images that revealed his faith life. In this second of three episodes on Tolkien, we discuss his imagery of Heroism in his trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien On Attachment And Evil
J.R.R. Tolkien was well known as a writer, but also as a Catholic who instilled his writings with images that revealed his faith life. In this first of three episodes on Tolkien, we discuss his imagery of Attachment and Evil in his trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
The Making Of A Catholic Priest
Fr. Stephen Gadberry, priest of the Diocese of Little Rock, joins us to tell us about his life and his specific call to priesthood, but also to remind us that all of us have a call from God.
Ask And You Shall Receive
After reading certain scriptures, some might be lead to think that because Jesus said it, you can ask God for anything and you will receive it. But, a more thorough reading of Sacred Scripture reveals the truth, and the promise, behind these passages.
Suffering That Saves
There is certainly a lot of suffering in many forms in the world today, so how we might see our suffering as well as the suffering others as meaningful and purposeful in participating in the plan God has laid out for the salvation of the world is a critically important topic to discuss.
And Who Is My Neighbor
Most of us are quite familiar with the biblical parable of the Good Samaritan. But, in the divisive time in which we live, it bears rereading, and asking ourselves to identify who Jesus would tell us our neighbor is today.
Living In A Culture Of Death
In the wake of recent mass shootings and other violent crimes, alongside increases in drug overdoses, addiction and suicides, it is imperative to recognize the work of the devil in all this and to not be overcome by the culture of death.