Join Deacon Jeff in the FRENCH Catholic Cafe as he talks to Dr. Tim and Lisa Fallon about the beauty, wonder and fun and blessing of having a large Catholic family.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
The Mystery Of Suffering
Join Deacon Jeff in the FRENCH Catholic Cafe as he talks to Jim Gonsalves, a Malade and Pilgrim to Lourdes, France about his journey of suffering and faith.
Authentic Friendship
Join Deacon Jeff as he talks with Brother Innocent, CFR, one of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, about what it means to have a truly authentic friend.
The Keys To Joy
Join us as Deacon Jeff talks with Fr. Jim Blount, SOLT, a priest from Belize, about the primacy of joy…a joy brought on only by a relationship with Jesus.
The Catholic Pilgrimage
From the luxurious corner booth of the newly opened French Catholic Cafe, Deacon Jeff talks with Shep Abel about the ancient spiritual tradition of the pilgrimage.
Christian Charity
From the luxurious corner booth of the newly opened French Catholic Cafe, Deacon Jeff talks with Frank Ryan, author, economic advisor, retired U.S. Marine Colonel and Catholic, about the concept of Christian charity.
Suffering And Healing
Deacon Jeff talks with Brother Innocent Mariae Montgomery, CFR, a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal, about his calling to be a monk and his personal journey of suffering that came to a miraculous and life-changing conclusion.
You Are What You Eat
Deacon Jeff and Tom Dorian talk with Bob Nicholas about the importance of “eating” a healthy spiritual diet…including the Eucharist!
The Virtues
Deacon Jeff talks with Derek Rotty about living the Catholic Virtues versus living the world’s values.
The Habit Of Faith
Deacon Jeff talks with Father Anthony Brausch, a priest for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and instructor at the Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary of the West, about faith in terms of being a “habit” and the requirement of developing, nurturing and caring for that faith so as to develop the means to make a positive ascent to the Teachings of the Church.