In many ways, St. Joseph is a wonderful model of true manhood. It is for this reason that a group of men who were seeking to become the best Christian men that they could be called their gathering the “Men of St. Joseph.” Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they welcome Dr. Kevin Ryan, Executive Director of the Men of St. Joseph, to the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss the meaning and purpose of this now-worldwide organization and also his own conversion story.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
Alleluia! Come and celebrate Easter with us in the Luxurious Corner Booth of The Catholic Cafe. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they discuss the concept of the Resurrection and also lead us into a discussion of our own bodily resurrection on Judgment Day!
Give It Up For Lent
So…what did you give up for Lent? We have always loved asking and answering this question every Ash Wednesday. The problem is that, for many people, the idea of “giving something up” has lost it’s meaning and has even fallen by the wayside as a childish or obsolete custom. Join Deacon Jeff in the Luxurious Corner Booth as he, Tom and Doug discuss the meaning, purpose and extreme value of our Lenten practices as we prepare for the glories of Easter.
Living The Mystery
Many people – Catholics and non-Catholics alike – are asking themselves, “Is this all there is?” Life can be tough, filled with many challenges, and many of us are wondering how to live a joy-filled life. Join Deacon Jeff and Doug as they welcome their guest, Fr. Emerich Vogt, OP, to the Luxurious Corner Booth to discuss the keys to not only recognize potential issues in themselves and their families and friends, but how to mend and heal relationships through the love of Christ, the Church and the Eucharist.
You Can Learn Your Faith
Once again, Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug open up the mail bag in the Luxurious Corner Booth of The Catholic Cafe! Join them as they help a listener who wants to know what the Catholic Church can offer those who are only nominal Catholics, but have an intense desire to know more about what the Church teaches…and thereby grow in their faith.
Being Child-like
What did Jesus REALLY mean when he told us that unless we turn and become like children we could not enter the kingdom of heaven? Didn’t St. Paul tell us to “put away childish things?” Even the world would have our children grow up sooner and sooner. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug as they ponder the words of Jesus and explore ways in which we can all re-capture our child-like qualities.
Sometimes, I wonder if the season of Advent is one of the best kept secrets of the Church’s liturgical year. Our commercial culture has taught us to skip right from Halloween (All Hallows Eve) to Christmas. And yet, the Church asks us to pause and spend a significant time (in fact, a season) to reflect on the coming – the advent – of the Lord. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug as they ponder the meaning of this very important opportunity to “prepare the way.”
Lone Catholic
Meet Annemarie from the Netherlands. She is 24 years old and a “lone” Catholic in her family, amongst her friends and even in her parish. Annemarie is not the only one who feels this way. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss her email from Holland and try and offer some advice, guidance and comfort in her situation.
Parental Example
How do I get my kids to love Church? How do I get them to follow her teachings? Why don’t they go to Mass anymore? More and more frequently, these are the questions many, many parents are asking themselves. Interestingly, the answer can be quite simple…but you really need to start when they’re young. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug in the Luxurious Corner Booth to find out what you can do as a parent to strengthen and lengthen your childrens’ faith lives.
Coming Back Home
We all know someone who has left the Church. Maybe our child, or another family member. Maybe our close friend or a dear co-worker. Maybe even you have drifted away from the sacraments. Did you ever stop and think about why, or what caused the “drift” and what we can do about it? Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and Doug as they explore the story of a recent family of “reverts” and try and shed a little light on the topic of coming back home to the Catholic Church.