Is your Lenten experience a little stale? Are you tired of just giving up chocolate or colas and calling it Lent? Maybe you need to ramp things up a bit, but you feel like you have to wait until next year since Lent is already underway. Well, it’s not too late. You can still make this the best Lent ever! Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious corner Booth as they compile and discuss a list of ten simple things that you can do right now to ramp up your Lenten experience.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
Knowing Jesus Through Alpha
Do you really KNOW Jesus? Lots of folks say they do, but who is Jesus referring to when he says many will call out to him saying “Lord Lord!” and tells them he never knew them? We hope and pray that is not us. So how do we come to truly know him? Join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth as Fr. John Riccardo tells us how he and his parish have used a program called Alpha to truly encounter the Risen Lord.
The Holy Family
Is your family holy? Many of us would prefer not to answer that. With all of the challenges the world has to offer, most would agree that it’s hard to keep our families together…let alone keep them holy. That’s why the example of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph is so important in this day and age! But…can we EVER be that holy? Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the LuxuriousCorner booth as they discuss how the example of the Holy Family might be more attainable that we might think!
Catholic Distance University
Do you wish you knew more about your Catholic faith? Do you think you’re too far past your “college days”? Are you just too busy to do it? Many faithful Catholics feel exactly the same way! That’s why we’ve invited Dr. Marianne Mount, President of Catholic Distance University, to join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth. We discuss not only why it’s important to learn more about your faith, but how you can do it online and fit it neatly into your own personal schedule!
Armour Up
Are you ready for a battle? You can assured that Satan is ready…so we must be as well. And, there’s a lot at stake in this battle, because it is spiritual warfare. Our eternal salvation hangs in the balance! Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they answer an email from Audra, a 26 year-old listener who wants some help and direction in discerning her way through life.
Spiritual Direction
Do you have trouble asking for directions? Many of us do…especially when it comes to our spiritual life! In actuality, we really don’t mind asking a doctor, lawyer, banker or architect for advice and direction when it comes to decisions about our day to day life. But, when it comes to our eternal life…most of us don’t get much in the way of direction. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they discuss the concept of spiritual direction and how a little direction can keep us from getting lost on our faith journey.
My Kids Are Leaving The Church
What do you do when your child, who you have raised to be a good Catholic kid, comes up to you and announces, “Mom, Dad…I’m leaving the Catholic Church.” More and more Catholic parents are hearing this as the number of “nones” (those with no particular religious affiliation) grows in our modern culture. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they share their thoughts on the Do’s and Don’ts of addressing your children’s decision to leave the Catholic faith.
Ite Missa Est
We all know a little about why we go on pilgrimage, or retreat or any occasion of blessing. But, do we know what to do next? What do we take with us? How do we apply the grace we have received to the remainder of our lives? Join Deacon Jeff and Robert in the Luxurious Corner Booth of the FRENCH Catholic Cafe as they wrap up this year’s pilgrimage to Lourdes, France and what happens next in “life after pilgrimage.”
A Catholic Walk
Our pilgrimage to Lourdes, France continues and we welcome to the Luxurious Corner Booth an old friend to the Cafe, Frank Ryan, a Knight of Malta. Frank tells us about his incredible journey walking across America and helps us to see that the Church is really doing very well!
Ignatian Spirituality For Dummies
Have you ever wondered what Ignatian Spirituality was about but you were afraid to ask? Does it sound too deep, too “theological” or just plain over your head? Well, now is your chance to get a brief, entry-level introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius from an expert in Ignatian Spirituality. Join us as we welcome a Knight of Justice of the Order of Malta, Fra Richard Wulff, to the Luxurious Corner Booth of the FRENCH Catholic Cafe.