Some wonder what role temptation plays in the story of salvation and why the First Sunday of Lent focuses us on the Temptation of Jesus in the Desert. We must understand why God allows us to be tempted, and how temptation and spiritual warfare are related so that we can grow closer to God through Jesus during Lent.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
Ready, Set, Lent
Time flies and it is already time to be thinking about the season of Lenten and how we can best prepare ourselves for the Easter Mysteries. Making our Lent matter more will enhance our Easter experience. So, prepping for Lent is the key to a Happy Easter.
Soul Esteem
For some, there is an apparent contradiction between the Catholic concepts of dying to self and self esteem. Many think it impossible that both can be true goals at once. When you consider the self to be a soul, however, and pursue soul esteem, then dying to self becomes more apparent as a beneficial path of the spiritual life.
The Vocational Call
Many people feel that God has not spoken to them or called them in any way. They see God as silent in their lives. Perhaps it is possible they have not put themselves in the right place or the right frame of mind to hear God calling them to their vocation. Take the examples of Samuel and Saint Peter.
Intimacy With God
So many folks have fallen into the throws of addiction. The worldly doctors tell us sobriety is the answer, when in reality the true cure for addition to anything is total faith, submission and intimacy with God, who fulfills all desires.
Making Reparations To God
The Catholic notion of making reparations to God for sin, especially blasphemy, is an ancient and constant teaching of our faith. As we prepare our spiritual houses for Christmas this Advent season, we need to start making amends for our poor and sinful choices.
Many of us have places or rooms within our hearts where no one, not even our Lord, is welcome. Perhaps as we enter the season of Advent, we should learn to forgive and forget so that we can best prepare for the Coming of the Lord at Christmas.
Fat Thursday
Thanksgiving is usually a grand feast and, for many, ushers in a month of feasting and celebrating until Christmas arrives. Perhaps we should take this opportunity to view the Thanksgiving holiday a bit more like Mardis Gras before Lent so that we may properly see Advent for the spiritual time of preparation that it should be.
Church Politics
With the innovations which modern technology have afforded us, there is a superabundance of information available to everyone about virtually everything. While this transparency and opportunity can be very good for society, it is also can a create an unnecessary distraction which can actually challenge us in our faith life.
The Greatest Commandment
When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, he answered with not one but two commandments. The love of God and love of Neighbor are intrinsically related and dependent upon each other.