As we enter the Lenten season, no doubt the subject of fasting will come up among family, friends and coworkers. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they discuss rediscovering the lost art of the fast.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
Teaching The Real Presence
Many of us are not always sure what to say when someone asks why we believe what we do about the True Presence. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they welcome the Head Chef of the Catholic Cafe, Father Ben Bradshaw, into the Luxurious Corner Booth to talk Eucharist.
Spiritual Resolutions
Most folks like to make a New Years Resolution to initiate positive change in their lives. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they invite you to make a New Years Spiritual Resolution this year, and they give you their Top Ten list of suggestions.
Contraception And Humanae Vitae
There have been many conversations recently regarding the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae and its relevance in our world today. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and their guest, Sister Francine, a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia, in an encore presentation, as they discuss the topic of Contraception.
An Epiphany On Christmas
Many folks think Christmas has come and gone just a few days after Christmas Day, but the Church invites us into to a very special experience at Epiphany. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they discuss how Epiphany helps us make sense of the Incarnation.
Christmas Liturgical Calendar
If you pay attention to the Liturgical Calendar at Advent and Christmas, you will notice an amazing array of saints and events that we can sometimes overlook as we celebrate the holidays. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom and they step through the calendar for a closer, holier look.
Christmas Commitment
All of us, at one time or another, have been tempted to take the easy way out or cut a few corners. But, our faith asks us to consider being fully committed rather than taking the shortcut. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they talk about Christmas being an opportunity to recommit ourselves to a life in Christ.
The word behold is very important in Sacred Scripture, and especially so during Advent and Christmas. But, perhaps our modern culture has diminished the meaning of this unique word. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they peruse through several Scripture verses that highlight the meaning of behold.
Advent Food
We all have favorite holiday food. And, we know we are should not celebrate Christmas too early. Deacon Jeff and Tom tell us how can we still enjoy the great food and still respect the Advent season by showing us the connection between our favorite holiday foods and Scripture.
Christmas Movies
Should Catholics watch Christmas movies before Christmas? We in the Luxurious Corner Booth say YES! Join Deacon Jeff and Tom as they reveal their favorite Christmas movies and how they utilize them during Advent to help them prepare for Christmas.