Many may wonder why, in our human weakness, would God allow us to be continually tempted by evil. Those who question Christianity might believe it is because God is cruel. But, there are genuine reasons why temptation exists, and they are not as bad as you may think.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
Spiritual Dieting: The Lenten Fast
As we enter the season of Lent, many of us will encounter the Catholic discipline of fasting. If you have ever heard that you should not diet as part of Lent because of the potential benefits from it, you should tune in to hear another perspective.
Cursed Or Blessed: Choose Wisely
Pretty much every single day of our lives, from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night, we make choices. And those choices will determine whether we desire to live among the blessed of the world, or among the cursed. Choose wisely.
Be My Valentine: Saint Valentine And The Church
The Feast of Saint Valentine has gotten more than a little worldly of late. So we should take a look at not only who Saint Valentine is, but what real love is.
The Wedding At Cana: Not Just A Miracle
The Wedding feast in the town of Cana, attended by Jesus himself, is known for being the place of his first public miracle, a manifestation of his divinity. But, the story of this wedding gathering tells us so much more about Jesus and his mission of salvation.
Having An Epiphany: Jesus Still Comes To Us
Jesus may have come to us on Christmas 2000 years ago, but maybe you have not realized that he continues to come to us today and every day of our lives. Find out what an Epiphany truly is.
Giving And Receiving: The Essence Of The Gift
The relative calm after the storm of Christmastime is the perfect time to sit and contemplate how your season went. Perhaps you should reflect upon the gifts given and received at Christmas so to possibly better understand the true essence of gift giving.
Gifts For Jesus: What To Give The King Of Kings
We spend a lot of time at Christmas finding just the right gift for everyone on our shopping list. Perhaps we might pause and discern what gifts we might get Jesus. After all, it is his birthday.
Problems With Gaudete: Hard To Feel Joy
Our world is so hectic, and tough on the heart.It is sometimes hard to feel joyful, even anticipating the season of Christmas. Find out how to overcome some of the obstacles to joy we might be feeling on this Gaudete Sunday.
Immaculate Mary: The Immaculate Conception
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is a beautiful testimony from Mother Church to Mary and her pure, sinless human nature. Listen in to hear why faith in this Dogma is useful to our everyday lives.