The word Advent tells us that something…or actually, some One…is coming. The Church wants us to see the season of Advent as an opportunity to bring hope into our lives, see the potential and possibilities, and even experience a new beginning in life.
Category «Living the Catholic Life»
O Come Let Us Decorate
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of giving thanks with gathered family and friends and the traditional beginning of the holiday season. But it can also be a time where we forget the true and special meaning and purpose of the Advent season.
Angry At God
Life can certainly be difficult at times, even seemingly hopeless. Some people may find themselves angry at God, asking Him why this could be happening. Perhaps we can see some light at the end of the tunnel, and find a way to stay in grace.
Honor Your Father And Mother
The Commandment requiring us to honor our father and mother seems at first to be fairly straightforward. But, unfortunately, many people have difficulty living out this Commandment because of brokenness within the family itself.
Faith In Crisis
Many folks seem to have a strong faith. But, when a crisis hits it can test that faith, sometimes to the point of breaking. True faith based on a relationship with Jesus can become a foundation or anchor that keeps us safe through the storm.
Renouncing Possessions
Jesus never did anything half way. You are in, or you are out. No lukewarm. That is why many may have a big challenge in renouncing all our possessions in order to be his disciple.
Political Correctness
When Jesus tells us he came to bring division, not peace, we must not be confused. He came to draw a line in the sand concerning Good and Evil.
God Will Provide
Sometimes we validly think a lot about how we will provide for our future and the future of our family. But sometimes, like the rich man with the bountiful harvest, we tend to trust only in our own efforts to store up treasures for the future. Perhaps God is asking us to consider trusting in Him a bit more.
Martha Or Mary
We live in a busy world and sometimes we get so caught up the the work that we forget about the spiritual. Perhaps the story of Martha and Mary can shed a little light on our proper focus.
Good Samaritan
We have all certainly heard the parable of the Good Samaritan, and many think it boils down God calling all of us to simply do good deeds. But, perhaps there is a bit more to the story that might present more of a challenge for us as we attempt to live out the call of the Good Samaritan.