Leah Libresco Sargeant, a former atheist from Long Island, New York, became a Catholic and now ministers to those who have fallen into the humanist, secular and godless culture of the world.
Category «Conversion»
Eucharistic Awakening
So many of the challenges facing the world can be overcome by the realization of the graces that come to us through the Eucharist. Annie Celloto joins us to discuss the need for a Eucharistic Awakening.
Life Renewed
These are certainly very tough times for many, but perhaps we can see some possibilities for a renewal of grace in our lives as we seek to navigate through the difficulties.
Convert Bishop
Join us as we welcome Bishop David Talley of the Diocese of Memphis to the Luxurious Corner Booth to tell his beautiful conversion story.
Vocation For Life
Sister Bethany Madonna, Director of Vocations for her Religious Order, the Sisters of Life, shares her own vocation story and offers some great insight for all those discerning a call from God.
Living In The Resurrection
We all love Easter, and for good reason. But, there is a way we can live in Easter joy all year long. We have to live in the Resurrection.
There Is A God And I Am Not Him
We must never forget to keep the main thing the main thing. And, we must never forget the WHY of evangelization. We can do so much more when we realize He is our strength and our inspiration.
Discerning FOCUS
Deacon Jeff discusses with Miguel Rodriguez how he discerned out of a comfy job offer right out of college and decided to become a missionary for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students. Making life choices are sometimes tough, but rewarding.
The Ten Lepers
Since leprosy has for the most part been eradicated from the face of the earth, most folks might think that a discussion about Jesus healing the ten lepers is no longer relevant. But, perhaps we should look closer at another possibility…spiritual leprosy. The Commandment requiring us to honor our father and mother seems at first to be fairly straightforward. But, unfortunately, many people have difficulty living out this Commandment because of brokenness within the family itself.
Simon Do You Love Me
When Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him, many folks – including Peter – might have thought Jesus was being not so charitable to Peter. But, what is really happening is a whole other story…a story of mercy and compassion.