Category «Catholic Moral Teaching»

Contraception And Humanae Vitae

There have been many conversations recently regarding the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae and its relevance in our world today. Join Deacon Jeff, Tom and their guest, Sister Francine, a Dominican Sister of Saint Cecilia, in an encore presentation, as they discuss the topic of Contraception.


Are you a Catholic looking to deepen your faith and learn more about your Church? Where do you go? What can you do? Have you thought about going to RCIA? “But, I’m already Catholic!” you say. Well, join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth as they discuss the benefits that many good and faithful Catholics receive when they attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes at their local parish.

Diabolical Activity In The Church

Do you believe the Devil is at work in the world? Many people don’t. And, those that do can easily mistake just HOW the Devil might be involved and what that looks like. Join Deacon Jeff and Tom in the Luxurious Corner Booth of The Catholic Cafe as they welcome Deacon Dominic Cerrato, PhD, a Permanent Deacon from Steubenville, Ohio and Director of Diaconal Ministries, to discuss diabolical activity in the Church and what we can do about it.

Faith And The Family

There’s so much bad information out there when it comes to faith and the family in general, and living a fully Catholic life in specific. That’s why we invited Helen Alvare to join us in the Luxurious Corner Booth. Helen is a noted Catholic speaker, author, evangelist and lawyer…and she is a professor of law at George Mason University in Washington, DC specializing in family and religion. If you’re looking for good information about faith and the family, you’ll get it here!